Hackers Can Hijack Your Entire Conversations with New WhatsApp Scam

Cybercriminals have turned to WhatsApp, the most popular messaging platform with around 2 billion users worldwide, to launch a new hacking campaign. The scam allows attackers to take over your WhatsApp account and access your private messages and conversations.
It involves a hacker shooting you a text after breaching the account of someone on your contact list. The threat actor poses to be an acquaintance of yours, so you don’t suspect any foul play.
During the bogus conversation, victims receive a text message containing a six-digit verification code. The scammer pretends that it was meant for someone else and that it was accidentally sent to you by mistake, then asks if you could give them the code. Should you do so, you can kiss your WhatsApp account goodbye.
Now, the attacker can snoop in on your messages and conversations. Moreover, they can use your account to launch another WhatsApp scam against people on your contact list by pretending to be you. Other users also reported receiving fake messages from hackers posing as WhatsApp’s Technical Team.
WhatsApp Never Asks for Your PIN Code
The WhatsApp Beta Information Twitter account, an independent portal that shares news about the messaging platform, stated that the company “doesn’t message you on WhatsApp, and if they do (for global announcements, but it’s so rare), a green verified indicator is visible.” It also never asks for your data or verification codes.
Therefore, if you receive any message from WhatsApp or one of your contacts demanding a verification code, know that it’s fake. The app clearly warns not to share the numbers with others because it gives them access to your account. Without the code, threat actors cannot verify your phone number and subsequently use it for ill purposes.
Enabling two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your WhatsApp account. Anyone trying to hijack it must enter a six-digit PIN. To activate it 2FA, go to Settings > Account > Two-Step Verification > Enable.
And to maximize online privacy and anonymity, we suggest connecting to a VPN. This tool even helps you unblock WhatsApp Call when you visit countries like the UAE, where most popular VoIP services are banned.